Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Power Pig with 17 Snoutlets (and the Design Process behind it.)

Russian design studio Art Lebedev is always designing clever items, some as concepts, some as produced items. One of their latest concepts is something I wish would come to fruition. Check out the design process and final protoypes of their Power Strip Svintus with 17 snout-plugs (or Power Pig with 'snoutlets' as I like to call it.)

Task: to play up a conventional piggy.

Svintus power strip is a multi-snout cutie that you will not want to hide behind a couch. It’s a pink, fully functional device with seventeen snout-plugs.

Spiral cord evolved from a pig tail:

The built-in circuit breaker protects from overload (Circuit breaker disguised as a mono-nipple):

The Design Process:

Release date: September 30, 2011

artistic director: Artemy Lebedev
art director: Timur Burbayev
designer: Kirill Musienko
industrial designer: Alexei Sharshakov
modeler: Alexander Pozdeyev
visualizator: Philipp Gorbachev

A special shout out to Technabob for bringing this to my attention.